Monday, May 17, 2010

RAP is gay

Toned, shirtless guys walking around, with their trousers barely hanging on to them, talking about how their cock is bigger than yours and how their house is bigger than yours, and how they have they have bitches and hoes in the back all point to some serious overcompensation and paranoia. Rap is so obviously gay that it needs to try extra hard to cover itself, which explains why their are so many hardly dressed girls, bouncing around in the back of a limo, getting sprayed in Champagne. But the mistake that all rappers make is the Champagne. Without any shadow of a doubt, Champagne is the gayest drink ever! Champagne is so gay, even Elton John comes "nah, I'm good with my Malibu and Coke". But for whatever reason, Champagne has been used as a status symbol, to show success and achievement in rap culture. And this has absolutely no relation to the fact that Champagne is a very sexual liquid, greasing over surfaces, glistening bold lines, and highlighting sharp angles on muscles. Although, maybe for that reason Champagne is a status symbol.

Rap has amazingly tense homoerotic themes. Brotherhood in a gang. Drinking and smoking weed together. Dying in the arms of a gang member after a drive by shooting. "Homie-love" (or as I like to call it "homie-sexual"). And when a rapper goes to jail, that adds a whole new deminsion to their appeal. Although they never rap about it, after effects of "dropping the soap" can be seen. Also, lets not forget the "homie-hug" originated from rap culture. Seems very agressive, doesn't it. A simple meeting of hands becomes a full on thrust of two bodies towards each other, barely missing what have been a kiss. Even the long "rap fued" is simply and over-bloated gay bitch fight. East Coast and West Coast mike as well be called Elton John and George Michael, or Lady Gaga and Madonna.

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